Alison Pill: Topless on Twitter!

July 2020 · 1 minute read

Alison Pill stars as Maggie on The Newsroom.

But in a newly-released Twitter photo, the actress is making a pitch to be featured in a different show: The Nude Room!

Pill, who is engaged to actor Jay Baruchel, gave fans a look this week at what her fiance gets to see every night. Why? It’s unclear – and unimportant! Naked boobs, fellas! Of someone famous!

Follow the jump to see what we mean…


UPDATE: Yes, this really happened. Pill has since deleted the picture and admitted it’s of her, Tweeting:

“Yep. That picture happened. Ugh. My tech issues have now reached new heights, apparently. How a deletion turned into a tweet… Apologies.”
