Kanye West Has Clarified His Butt-Play Preferences or Lack Thereof

October 2022 · 2 minute read

Perhaps still a little distracted from his creative process (or in an effort to take the attention away from Anti), Kanye fired off a couple pressing butt updates late Thursday night. Evidently the whole Wiz-Amber skirmish got Ye thinking, at least a little, about how others might be thinking about him and his butt; his brief handling of that anxiety was equal parts entertaining, informative, sage, and confusing. “Exes can be mad but just know I never let them play with my ass … I don’t do that … I stay away from that area all together,” he explained, tweeting in that stream-of-consciousness way only he can. “I’m not into that kind of shit … I like pictures and videos Me and my wife got the kind of love that can turn exes into best friends.”

Exes can be mad but just know I never let them play with my ass… I don’t do that… I stay away from that area all together

— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 29, 2016

I’m not into that kind of shit… I like pictures and videos Me and my wife got the kind of love that can turn exes into best friends

— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 29, 2016

Okay, and now back to Waves?

#Waves pic.twitter.com/Azig7aNYOu

— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

Or, for more on where this came from, head here.

Kanye Clarifies Butt-Play Preferences
