Khloe Kardashians Biological Father is Alex Roldan Posted Selfie Makes the Case (PHOTOS)

February 2021 · 2 minute read

Khloe Kardashian's Biological Father is Alex Roldan - Posted Selfie Makes the Case (PHOTOS)

That Khloe Kardashian is not Robert Kardashian’s daughter is not news.  This was known by Kris Jenner AND her late husband right from the start of Khloe’s life and was one of the many good reasons Robert threw Kris out and divorced the cheater. Both of the women Robert married after he dumped Kris provided evidence that he knew Khloe was not his daughter.

Jan Ashley married Robert after his divorce from Kris and told Star, “Khloe is not his kid – he told me that after we got married. He just kind of looked at me and said [it] like it was a matter of fact. He said, ‘Well, you know that Khloe’s not really a Kardashian, don’t you?’ And I said…’OK,’ and that was it.”

To add to the evidence above we have Ellen Kardashian, Kris Jenner’s enemy, reporting that, “Khloe brought it up all the time. She looked nothing like the rest. She was tall, had a different shape, light hair, curly hair. Didn’t look anything like the other three children. Robert did question the fact that Khloe was his, any normal man would if they knew their wife had cheated on him.”

This doesn’t prove anything but since Kris was rumored to have been having an affair with her hairdresser Alex Roldan around the time she conceived Khloe, AND since Alex and Khloe look like father and daughter, we suggest that he is her father.  But we’ll let you decide for yourself.

Photo Credit: Instagram and FameFlynet
