What Time Does the Infant Update Come Out in 'The Sims 4'?

April 2022 · 3 minute read

The Infant update is the next big patch for 'The Sims 4,' but what time will it become available? Here’s everything we know about the update.

Jon Bitner - Author

Since going free-to-play, The Sims 4 has pulled in tons of new players. Many of those players have stuck around for the long haul, thanks to the game’s wealth of content and frequent updates that add even more features to explore. The infant update is the next big expansion heading to The Sims 4, but what time will it become available?

Here’s a closer look at the release date and launch time for the infant update in The Sims 4.

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What time does the infant update come out in 'The Sims 4'?

The infant update is making big changes to The Sims 4, with the introduction of the infant life stage. From picking them up and playing with them to bathing them and keeping them well-fed, infants will play a much larger role in The Sims 4 than ever. The infant update arrives on March 14 and will become available at 10 a.m. PST or 1 p.m EST.

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Before it arrives, there are a few things you should do to prepare. For one, EA has announced that the update will “likely conflict with externally created content.” Because of this, you’ll want to try and remove all external mods or custom content before starting the update. It’s also not a bad idea to back up your saved data. This is going to be a massive update, and it’s likely to introduce a few new bugs to the base game. If you need help backing up your data, be sure to visit the official EA website.

What’s included in 'The Sims 4' infant update?

While the infant life stage is the big draw of The Sims 4 infant update, there’s a lot more to get excited about. Here’s a quick look at the content arriving with the latest patch:

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The Sims 4 community first learned about the possible inclusion of infants way back in October 2022, so no doubt this patch will be met with plenty of enthusiasm. Just remember to back up your files before starting the update, as there’s a good chance it won’t play nice with any external content.

The Sims 4 infant update will be available on Mar. 14 at 10 a.m. PST. Best of all, it's an entirely free update and will be available on all platforms.
